Project Description
Add Liquidity to your investment
Our secondary market brings together buyers and sellers of private real estate. This dynamic exchange offers attractive opportunities for value investors, while sellers gain unprecedented access to potential liquidity.
For Sellers
Sellers seek to liquidate shares of commercial real estate investments through Anise Capital in order to reallocate capital as needed.
Access potential liquidity
Sell your investment on the Secondary Market to seek liquidity when you need it the most.
Get an increase flexibility
Take advantage of our potential early exit strategy to reallocate on your preferred timeline.
Reduce your investment horizon
Invest early for higher risk and return potential, then you can list your stabilized asset on the Secondary Market.
For Buyers
Buyers select specific commercial real estate investments with established business plans through our Secondary Market offer.
Discounted pricing
Purchase shares of private real estate at attractive prices relative to net asset value (NAV).
Exclusive access
Invest in deals that may otherwise be closed to new investors.
Managed risk
Benefit from ongoing business plan execution that could reduce investment risk.